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These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Use in conjunction with a well balanced diet and intense bodybuilding exercise program. Consult  with a physician prior to use. Must be 18 years of age.

If your training has been based around a six day split, cutting the frequency down a day or more will give the body some much needed time to recuperate. Below are some examples of how your training frequency can be structured when coming off the above outlined programs. Here are five, four, and three day splits that can be used. The choice of muscles worked each day may be varied.
Workouts For Bodybuilding
Increasing the Volume

Once the frequency of training has been chosen, the next step is to choose the number of sets or the amount of volume that will be used in the routine. The number of sets selected will depend on the level of intensity you'll be using. Intensity, for the purpose of this article, can also be defined as the overall work load used in a training program (determined by the frequency and number of sets employed). For example, if you have been training to failure using a high number of sets, it should be quite obvious that you cannot continue training in the same manner. That said, to maintain the same level of intensity the number of sets employed must be lowered. You do this because there is an inverse relationship between intensity and the number of sets used in a workout session. As seen below the number of sets chosen should coincide with the frequency.

Below are some examples based upon the first two example routines I outlined above.
Spicing Things Up

Variety is the spice of life. Although cliché, it's the truth though, and most likely throughout your cycle, the repetition range that's been used has varied. Post cycle, however, repetition ranges should stay the same if they've been altered. Let me explain a bit further.

High reps are known to primarily work on increasing the non-contractile proteins and the semi fluid plasma between the muscle fibers. In scientific circles the 140 pound lab techs call this sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Meatheads refer to this as "pump training." The other type, low rep training, is called sarcomere hypertrophy. This is otherwise known as power training. It works on increasing the size and number of the sarcomeres that make up the myofibrils. Each type of hypertrophy has a different effect. Bodybuilders and those purely interested in aesthetics train using the pump method. Athletes who are in sports that require explosiveness and speed train primarily using the power method.

Training post cycle should focus on a variety of rep ranges. Low rep training focuses on neuromuscular efficiency, which in turn is responsible for strength production with minimal hypertrophy. Higher rep training focuses more on hypertrophy while placing less emphasis on the neuromuscular system. If one area is favored the other will suffer. So, to stay big and strong it is imperative that you utilize a mixed rep range in your training program. Below I've outlined the programs in their entirety so you can see what the programs look like once all the variables I mentioned have been added in.
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To make clear the simplicity of bodybuilding we arranged a list of six basic keys to successful training. They're nothing new and read like the same stuff in any motivational book on the market today. Yet they offer valuable insight and are essential to getting started and sticking to it.

1. Set a realistic goal - short and long term.
2. Plan an orderly and thorough routine to train the entire body.
3. Make a commitment to stick to your routine for 4-5 weeks - - to begin to see changes and benefits, develop perseverance      and create a habit.   
4. Enthusiasm for training must be recognized as the main and driving force to perform successfully.
5. Ease into a training program with a wholesome, thoughtful nutritional plan - proper food, order and amount of consumption.
6. Be confident from the beginning that the application of these sound principles will produce the desired results.

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